April 28, 2007
found that in my email inbox. what a great way to end the week. seriously, i don't know what i'm doing.
I'm down to only ONE paper, and have totally no urge to study for it. not that i put in a lot of effort for the rest, but at least i tried burning midnight oil for macro and intl econs.. but ended up leaving blanks for 2 parts and guessing 25% of the MCQs.. seems like i cant do anything right this season.
Acctg is not any better. it's the 1st time i'm not able to balance ANYTHING.. and when are Libras bad at balancing?
what a good morale booster.. then legal wasnt much better. i wrote so much but realised i didnt really answer the question.. yeah. talk about good time management. Ops wasnt too bad until i reached the last question. it's a theory based question so it's sort of a giveaway. and guess what, i chose to SKIP that chapter.. yeap. so i wrote a one-liner for a 15-mark qn.. How optimistic..
i should be feeling exasperated.. but i ended up doing what i can and within the 2 hours in the exam venue, i sat there enjoying the peace and quiet. i like the fact that everyone is brought to the same place, trying their best and working seriously towards a common goal. i like the fact that you're at this place with about a thousand people, yet it's so quiet you can hear your own thoughts. it's amazingly peaceful in there, feeling at ease with yourself.. and i like sitting in the middle of nowhere surrounded by rows and rows of tables and chairs arranged neatly and everyone bowed in silence, as if what is happening is a solemn and serious affair. and it's a miracle an examination can do what i thought only religons can..
April 20, 2007
what makes me really happy is that i went back to my favourite department. the aunties are still as cheerful (despite the workload), and they didnt forget me. i saw the 2006 calender on top of the work desk with the month of June on display, and smiled.
the kind of warmth that spreads through your entire body in that icy cold place sets me thinking.. i guess the only thing that is positive in that entire organisation is that small department that's being stashed in a corner of the basement, undervalued and unappreciated. and the joke is, that's the department that's generating revenue for the organisation. like the blood in the valves, that's where the money flows- and that's where pple overlooked..
and as usual, i left that place on a high. how can i not when i can see, hear and feel that they're genuinely concern, with their well-wishes for my coming exams and uni education, with their smiles and offer to go back to help out during my vacation (provided the management approves).. the 10 mins with them made my day, and the 6 hours i spent above ground is such torture and horror. some acquaintance commented that there's no element of surprise in seeing me as i return once in a couple of months.. and another say 'oh, you're here'.. seriously, i dont see why they can stay in the service industry for so long when deep down they dont have what it takes..
and that i think is the main reason why people think their only rated 3.5 when they boast that they're 5. there's a difference between being good and THINKING you're good. and yeap. they belong to the latter. they have no grounds for that claim.. and let's just say i'm evil. i'm kinda happy seeing pple with senior positions quarreling in front of the junior staff. 1stly, they dont deserve any respect after such an 'entertaining performance' and 2ndly, their 'professionalism' shocked me. really. i have doubts about their ability to lead a workforce with a strength of say 50?.. they're STILL hiring pple. yeap. endless hiring.. someone need to REALISE that there's something wrong with the management with such INCREDIBLE turnover rates..
and with the new batch of foreign workers, drawing the same salary for the same position, i bet things are looking better for them. That is, if those new staff dont complain to union about the horrendous job scope. 12 hours of work, 6-day work week, same pay. i get a headache just thinking about it. i tried that for a month, and felt like banging my head against the wall.. they're incredible. serious. and i hope someone complains.
there's a million things to improve on. once, i thought that with the new management team, the organisation will gradually be a better place to work in.. but it seems like i was wrong. they took away a great many benefits, and implemented stringent rules for INMATERIAL claims. and didnt they learn in accounting that for inmaterial stuff, it shouldnt even be in the balance sheet?
every trip back there makes me more grateful for the fact that i'm given a chance to study.. being in a place where stuff dont corrode your entire well-being. school makes me feel good about myself, yes. even exams.
and returning to the dumps always serve as a reminder to give thanks for what i have now. to further appreciate how green the grass is at MY side. great. a lesson learnt. FOC.
April 16, 2007
April 08, 2007
使自己发现代替难过/悲伤 的解放。
finally downloaded the chinese input program.. so more chinese posts coming up..
i love being a chinese. the language is amazing.. and inspirations always come when u least expect it. that stuff above was what i came up with on one of the nights when i'm suffering from insomia.. just like that 'a little chotto' crap i posted way back... lolx..
[一种想要孤独的病。{也可以说是一种很在意于人相处的病。} 我说。
会说话的人, 真理总是站在他那一边。
每个人要成长,但‘成长’ 的内容, 真的成长了吗?

was flipping thru the pics we took in poly.. gone were the days.. lolx.. and ede has so many friends.. the turnout makes me feel a tad ashame.. she estimated about 90 pple there.. and dun forget those who cant make it.. so there i was, at a party of 90, feeling rather glad that my number-of-friends-scale is way down coz i dun like socializing.. then again, maybe the scale is low BECAUSE i dun like socializing..
so who's next? jo?
April 04, 2007
am in a whining mood recently.. was feeling grumpy the other day and was telling my cuzzies that some coursemates actually emailed the lecturer coz they're not happy with pple 'cheating' during the quiz.. things like referring to notes or chatting with other groups. for goodness sake, it's a group quiz. we're entitled to chat.. so are they unhappy coz the groups made a lot of noise by discussing the qns or did some groups who refer to cheat sheets violate their principles? seriously, i thought we're all matured enough to mind our own business.. if some pple are alright with doing certain things, then that just goes to show the level of their integrity.. there is no need for a handful of pple to blow up such a matter.. their actions make me feel as if i'm in Primary school with those tale-telling.. seriously.
alright.. i should stop whining and filling my entries with crap.. it's been so long since i have a decent post.. time for a change yeah..
April 02, 2007
My friend greeted me with smiles, as usual.. i think there's this strange phenomenon that only surface during times like this.. we tend to act nonchalant.. or maybe we really were at that point in time, seeing familiar faces- source of comfort..
my friend of 15 years is great. seriously, i've thought about it time and again.. she was the popular girl in sch, the pretty, outgoing, sporty and smart one. so i really have no idea how we clicked then.. she's the one who stood up against this bully, the one who helped me ever so often.. we're always competing.. i think it's more of friendly matches for improvement.. fighting to be the first to hand in our chinese workbook so that it'll be the last book the teacher marks and that we'll be the first one to get back our books for the next lesson.. small stuff like that.. i still remember the long conversations before bedtime, and the Jurassic Park joke.. which coincidently is the cause of my longest laughter.. to tell the truth, i'm a tad jealous of her when we were young. it's like seeing someone with the best of all worlds.. everythng i've ever wanted- then i mean.. now i'm contented..
her bdae gift would have to come much later.. i think about 49 days or 100 days after.. this year she'll receive a super duper belated bdae gift from me..
but a gift full of well-wishes nontheless..
rest in peace.
April 01, 2007
My cousin had an operation in NUH ytd. to remove his toe as a result of negligence due to diabetes. You know, i know too many people with that yucky liability that i find carbonated drinks yucky. i mean, not all carbonated gassy stuff. i still take some on occasions but i stay away from them most of the time, replacing that with tea.
my cousin is only 3 years older than me. he got that since primary 5 when the docs said he has had too much soft drinks and candies... imagine having to amputate one of your toes at the age of 24 because it's beyond hope. and tomorrow is his bdae.. what an unforgettable birthday gift to yourself.. i didnt get to see him. my mom did. so she told me that in order to let the flesh heal to a rounded stump, there's no stitches. so what's left between the other 4 toes is an empty space that's oozing blood..
my grandpa has diabetes too. but it's under control.. it pains me seeing him inject that into his body after meals.. he's a big strong guy but he told me that sometimes the pain is too much to bear. and he jokingly said that there's no space in his stomach that hasnt been pierced by the needle. For a man who lives to eat, this deficiency is evil. He still secretely takes his favourite pig trotters or durians once in awhile but has always been caught by my grandma. coz he'll fall ill soon after indulgence.. and his cough takes forever to recover.. it's like not able to wipe
i've learnt, at a tender age, that every choice i make has an impact in my life. in the quality of life. it doesnt take too much sickness to realise you have to love yourself, more than any other. i dont like smokers, coz i see the difficulty and struggles my paternal grandparents went through before they passed away. i see how a reflex like breathing becomes wheezing and panting just because when others have 2 lungs, you might be depending only on one. and you cant walk fast, cant exert strength, can even climb stairs. so all along, i've been striving towards a goal that can only be realised at the age of retirement. ageing graefully.. and before i achieve that, i need to lay the foundations in which to build my other goals on..
that's why i dont ever want anyone to fall into the same vicious cycle. you can learn to be responsible for your future happiness. you are given a choice. choose wisely. sometimes you reach dead end.. but make sure you turn back in time. do not embark on a road with no return..