February 26, 2010

Out and over

Reaches a stage where I feel myself trying to keep my balance at the edge.

Today I came home exhausted and irritated with all the uncontrollables, and felt like an empty shell. Totally like a deflating balloon.

Like all thing brimming and threatening to overflow if tipped too much to one side.

and it's scary when this is not the first time it happened, but not doing anything even though i know for certain it's going to occur again.

like the dreaded accusations that is potential hazard to my well-being. and the damned one-way communication passed own through the many layers of bureaucracy.

and finally realising that the thinking, of being satisfied with one aspect of a situation makes all things work, is so naive. that the sense of achievement at the end of the day may well be one that is easily forgotten, just like many of the damned.

dislike all things that crumple easily, for I need strong glue to gel them back.

February 08, 2010

Thinking about some random stuff lately.

Like wanting to maintain this kind of lifestyle, and with the combine income we'll be able to do so.

But with 2 big travel plans each year and at least 2 short ones, the savings portion will be impacted.

Like thinking that raising a kid requires a million dollars, and wondering how people out there survive the hardship.

Considering the impact on savings/ lifestyle changes if one makes the decision to stop working, even for the short-term, to fulfill a dream or to stay home and look after the young.

The kind of feeling that one day I'll be overwhelmed by the decisions to make in my daily life, and that the simplest of things may still be complicated.

February 02, 2010


Lazing around taking naps ever so often, eating cheap good food, having great company, watching DVDs, taking a trail and walking 7 km just to see a waterfall.

I like.

The cosy hostel we shared with the stack of DVD collection- I think someone has an even better collection. =)

The walking around the city center aimlessly enjoying the feeling of being away from home.

Yep. Can't wait for March!!!!!!