It's officially November!
My favorite quarter of the year AND the wedding is over finally.
Somehow everything that happened on the wedding day seems like a roller coaster ride with me realising that the ride was over only at the end.
I collected my gown a week before the wedding and did my nails 2 days before the wedding. on the eve of the actual day, i was going about normal daily activities like waiting 3 hrs at Starhub signing up for broadband, cable tv and mobile line WHEN the iPhone 4S was out. lolx.. then cleaning up the new house again. Aint brides supposed to be uber busy on the eve of the wedding? lolx.. i feel totally relaxed... at first. that was when i returned home only to realise i haven put on facial mask one last time, haven had time to do yet another hair mask, clean up my room MORE, and pack for the hotel stay. lolx.. so i was walking around the house getting things done until 12+. and luckily shiftwork trained me to wake up at 0530am regardless of my fatigue level. so i woke up, shower AND eat breakfast while waiting for the make up artist to come. lolx. and i did my makeup lying down. muahaha.. talk abt slack..
The hair stylist and photographer arrived at abt 0745 and started their work. I just sat there waiting for the day to turn bright. Before i realised it, my relatives had arrived with their congratulatory voices and flashes were snapping away.
I changed into my gown and people started tearing. My parents came to put on the veil for me and they started crying as well. then my aunts were watching and they too, started crying. My big aunt couldnt sleep last night. she said she felt as if her own daughter was getting married- maybe coz we're only 3 days old apart and they see me grow up..
Then I hear the Camry honk and i heard his voice at the door and my heart started to race. He wrote me a sweet note as requested. We did away with the gate crashing- the 4 flavors as well as the games, and the love contract outside the room door. but I requested for a love letter/ note, which he wrote and slide under the door before my sis open the door to allow him in. ^.^
I think this is more like us, and I'm glad I didnt conform to norm by having the gate crashing.
Even the make up artist commented that our wedding is simple without any major time delay. We arrived at the hotel and we got a free upgrade to a suite!! =)
I was surrounded by people I love and friends who make a difference in my life. Those that without them, i wont be who i am today.
All i wanted was for everyone to turn up with well wishes for me and Wils, to relax and enjoy the food. That was also partly the reason why I did not have an entourage. Having to ensure that everyone was taken care of, well fed and satisfied was more than what i could handle on the day i need to relax the most.
and so i was thinking after the wedding, that in this lifetime, i am lucky to find the one i love, and loves me back, as well as the friends who are willing to share my greatest joy. THANK YOU all. for making a difference in my life.