Back from Kukup. It's a lovely backward place.. totally what i imagined the 1960s to be.. Exactly how i think my parents lived when they were young..
They have a population of approx 1000 and you cant see any young women there.. we were joking that my cousin, my sis and i were the oldest single women in the entire kukup.
houses above water.. the place is without a spec of dust. serious. i walked about the entire day and find my feet still clean.. and i still cant get past using the toilet where everything goes straight into the mud below. i prefer modern facilities where i dont see where those stuff go.. lolx..
the seafood there is fresh. superb.
ate sea mantis.. for goodness sake, i didnt even know it exists.. and it tastes much like crab meat..
i made a new friend there.. a cute little boy we called didi and ltr on xiao jun.. lolx..
the kids!
that's a harry potter lightning shot.
reliving the childhood experiences.. blowing bubbles, running about the place, playing together..
beautiful lilies with the dirty mud and unwanted fishing nets behind..
failed magic.. lolx..
this is how the entire village looks like at 9,10 pm.. the night is still young but the pple are all sound asleep.. they have to wake up at 4 to fish..
toilet left to rot...
ahem~ i can ride u know..
the place is comfortable.. it felt like a visit to my grandparent's place.. sleep well, eat well and slack well. what more can i ask for?
love walking about the place under the sun amazed at stuff that the locals cant even be bothered about. things like the monkeys, rats, mudskippers, crabs, ongoing renovations, TOILETS, bicycles, rubbish etc... yes, even rubbish!
we were shocked, when the lady threw the entire POT of steamboat soup over the foyer latch onto the mud below, it doesnt matter coz the tide is coming in.. we stopped doing what we were doing at that point in time, until my cousin commented that the poor mudskipper living just below where the lady emptied the soup is pronounced dead.
and my lovely cuzzies.. the things they say... made my trip a memorable one. and i left that place with a different kind of mood than i expected.. woke up at 0630 this morning and sat outside the house with a cup of milo, enjoying the rain and wind, looking at the pple getting about their daily activities. no worries, no stress.
life really should be like that.
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