I finally accomplished a goal that has been pending since high school- The gift of life, literally.
I like this year's tag line. Love is in the air, life is to be shared.
Ventured to MPSH alone after lessons, seeking the one thing that can only be received when it's given.
The gift of life aint painful, especially when you're experiencing that feeling of great satisfaction. I have the impression that the immense contentment numbed the pain, rather than the effect of anesthetics. lolx.
See. Donating blood aint a nerve-racking thing. So pple, DONATE BLOOD to complete the festive joy!
Have yet to let my mom know. I guess she'll be as proud of me as i am of myself. She's the first to know how much i wanted to do it and have been supportive since then. been encouraging me to go for it every single time i told her i wanted to and reassuring me that there's always a next time every time my attempts fail.
did i mention that the intangible gains surpass the material possessions (though insignificant items like the green bandage, red pump and cert do help in tangibalisation to an extent)??
Caught The Mist at Marina last night.
The desperate need to have a belief, regardless of how illogical things may seem.
grasping hope in whichever form it takes. just to stay sane.
and it's amazing how far people are willing to venture in search of a way out, even when situations render clear sight impossible. and how is optimism going to help when you cant even visualise the goal? seems like sometimes opting for a pessimistic attitude helps.
and civility works only when things are going fine.
the irrational decisions people make when they're being driven to a corner.
Take away the rules of the game and people go crazy.
so, welcome to the dark side of human nature.
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