September 20, 2007

As far as i know, ball games are just not my type of sports. I don't see the point of serving to get the ball away from you, or trying hard to get the ball so as to get it away from you..

The heavenly acute neck strain you get the following day after shooting hoops or looking at the sky for too long makes me wonder how some can do it daily without complain and still doesn't look as if their necks are hinged.

Not to mention the possible backache and knee injuries you might get from constance bending to pick up balls or lunching to retrieve them.. Oh, and don't forget the risk of getting hit on the head, in the face, or any part of your body for that matter..

Despite my reservations on ball games (see above), i think i am beginning to like netball. The ballgame that seems so difficult to get a nice shot through and the game in which the courts are almost always empty.

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