September 15, 2006

I've been a cross between a duck and a frog for the past 2 days.

Went past the NUS archery peeps preparing for training and was thinking how much i missed trainings though i'm always the lazy one. i've decided not to cause trouble for the archery pple in uni coz i've done enough for those in poly. uni pple are more stressed. so shall let them have a break. what TJ said make sense too. i shldnt juz get in based on LUCK again.. then maybe mess up their team or what...

badly wanted to try Kendo initially but then their 'hoho haha' loud shoutings (actually i have no idea what commands they're screaming but it sounded sth close to that) kinda gave me a very clear indication of the weekly rantings that i shld expect if i join their club. (just imagine a PJ even more insane than now) what a nightmare! but then again, releasing frustrations and anger directly thru sports communication is an awesome outlet. *raise eyebrows

anyway, i joined fencing. or u can say i'll be joining fencing (coz i haven pay the term fund!)
it's a funny sport really. u're supposed to look confidence in that weird stance. it's tiring. no joke.
they dun incorporate team spirit in that sport. finish training u can just leave. no cool down. just take ur barang and siam. most of them are staying in hall anyway. so they can take their own sweet time. but imagine having to travel an hour to get home after a tiring day. it kinda sux. but sch w/o cca doesnt really seem like an educaiton TO ME. have been leading a kinda lax lifestyle for so long. it's time to bring my life back in order (or shld i say back to the usual messy state so that it looks like it's normal)..

oh my.. haven mention the coach. imagine instructions and all in CHINESE! and the team has a caucasian member. lolx.. the coach is even slacker than i am. he's around for an hr or so, then he told us to practise somemore and he went home. like DUH~! so weird. it's as good as not having him around. told us that the more we practise, the more at ease we'll feel. yah. as if i dunno.
maybe he should be an instructor instead of a coach.
to make the matter worse, the kendo club mbrs are having training in the same sports hall. yeah. even better. i really cant hear a word the china man is saying. so i assume. anticipate instructions. lolx.. cant help it. am trying my best. hope i dun cause any trouble now that it's a new beginning.

then again, my beginnings never turn out the way i expected them to be, so far.

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